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CAS No:67-20-9
Shelf life:3 years
The detailed specifications are as below:

AppearanceA yellow crystalline powder
IdentificationA. Carry out the test protected from bright light.Use the solution prepared for the assay.Examined between 220nm and 400nm(2.2.25),the solution shows two absorption maxima, at 266nm and 367nm.The ratio of the absorbance at the maximum at 367nm to that at the maximum at 266nm is 1.36 to 1.42.
B. Dissolve about 10mg in 10ml of dimethylformamide R. To 1ml of the solution add 0.1ml of 0.5M alcoholic potassium hydroxide. A brown colour develops.
Related substancesNot more than 1.0%
Loss on dryingNot more than 1.0%
Sulphated ashNot more than 0.1%