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1,2-Dimethoxyethane/Ethylene glycol dimethyl ether/110-71-4
Packing:180kg/double-sealed metal pail

Product name:Ethylene glycol dimethyl ether
Molecular formula:C4H10O2
Molecular weight:90.12
Properties:colorless transparent liquid , dissolved in water and hydrocarbon solvent,non proton polar solvent
Boiling range84-86°C
Refractive index(20°C)1.3795
Flash point (Open)1.11°C
Company standard:Q/JLH004-2009
Technical index:ItemSpecification
Water Assay%≤0.05
Acidity( as HAC) %≤0.015
Peroxide( as H2O2)%≤0.005
Solubility testOk
Uses:Mainly used in polymer, electrochemistry, boracium chemistry, resin, nitro cellulose, In this product , the benzene, xenene, terphenyl, anthracene reacts with sodium and then bring about the complex; it is also used in surface treatment, halogen analysis in gasoline, acetic acid recycle in diluted acetic acid, depaint agent, thinner, flushing agent, stabilizer, anti oxidant , thickener of lube.
Packing:180kg/double-sealed metal pail