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Product Name: 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene/
CAS:120-82-1 Molecular Formula: C6H3Cl3
Molecular weight: 181.45Appearance: Colorless transparent liquid crystalline solid below 17°C°C
Density: 1.4460 g/cm3
Water content: ≤0.1%
PH Value: 6-7
Boiling Point: 210°C
Solubility: Insoluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol, soluble in ether, benzene and carbon bisulfide.
Melting Point: 17°C
Content: ≥99.5%
Use: Coolant, additive, degreaser, white ant expellent, also used in insulation and pesticide.Packing: 250kg/barrel